
It’s been a few weeks since I was officially ended my first phase of {project be} and I’ve been neglecting my writing. I’m excited for phase two, and I’m almost ready for it. I’ve been mulling it over a little bit, trying to decide what to do next. My vegan experiment had such an impact on me and I want to choose carefully to allow similar results next time around.
So what have I been doing most of February? Everything! Instead of choosing to jump right into the next phase and leave the vegan lifestyle in the dust, I’m moving more slowly. I’ve been processing everything, reflecting on what worked and what didn’t work, and incorporating it more into my diet in the ways that work for me. I’ve also been building on it in many ways. I made veggie broth for the first time. I’ve been doing some vegan and gluten free baking, with many successes (quinoa/banana muffins, rice crackers) and a few flops (blueberry polenta muffins, buckwheat pancakes). I’ve been trying all the muffin and pancake recipes, energy bars, and crackers I can find, with my own substitutions, and hoping to come up with a few recipes of my own that my family loves (and that are actually nutritious). I’ve also been doing some freezer cooking to help myself out on the crazy days. I’ve made lentil soup, split pea soup, meatballs for the boys, breakfast burritos for Ryan, pizza crusts, pancakes, and muffins to stock our extra freezer. This week I added chicken and rice soup, turkey noodle soup, and some extra chicken to keep for salads or burritos or anything really. The freezer is going to be packed!
I also feel like things have been hectic and busy. Lucas has preschool two mornings a week and we have had play dates with friends about two or three times a week. We also visit the library and go to at least 3 grocery stores a week, among other random errands. When we are home I feel like I’m always trying to clean the house or do laundry, and can’t seem to just relax and “be” with the kids. So, we are going to slow down a bit here, really soon, in more ways than one. I want to feel more present in this life, rather than constantly worrying about what I should be doing, or didn’t do, or what could happen if….. I also need to strengthen my mind and body, and that is where phase two comes in.
(Before I go into more detail I need to find the words to explain myself. I have some goals in mind and will be write more soon.)
In the meantime, I hope to post the recipes I’ve been making, and I want to wrap up a few things and get rid of some mental clutter in the form of to-do lists and nagging tasks. Plus, we have been working on a big project at home at nights and on weekends, and it is nearing completion. I can’t wait to talk more about it.
Be back soon. 🙂
Love the photo…your baby is getting so big! And so is mine….sigh. Can’t wait to hear more about your big project!
I am so with you sister and baby is not even here yet! 🙂