01mrm,  Dairy Free,  Gluten Free,  holiday,  Recipes

Lost Amid the Snow

peanut butter snowballs

I am anything but lost when it comes to snow.  In fact, when I am perched at the top of a mountain, staring at miles upon miles of endless snow covered mountains and trees, I am more found than I am any day in my normal life.  I am invigorated.  I am challenged.  I am excited.  I am strong.  I am brave.  I am the one making snowballs, rolling down the hills, catching flakes on my tongue, and enjoying every single breath of the cold, crisp, mountain air.  I am in love with the snow.  It’s worth the frozen toes and fingers, the layers upon layers of clothing, the sore muscles and windburned cheeks.  The exhilaration of flying down a mountain, the sound of my skis against the snow and ice, the burn of my muscles and the strength I feel throughout my body is something that I cannot compare to anything else in the world.

Maybe it’s because I live in Southern California and I can choose how and when I enjoy the snow.  I don’t know, I’ve just always loved it.  Even as a little girl.  I have so many wonderful memories as a kid and a young adult in the snow, from drives to the mountains with my parents to ski trips with Ryan when we were first dating.  We introduced our boys to the snow early this year.   To me, it was magical.  They were still a little young, but I think soon they will love it too.

Anyway, the theme for today’s T’was the Write before Christmas was “Lost amid the Snow”.  It inspired me to make these snowball snacks with Lucas today.  They are absolutely delicious and very easy to make.  For the average person, they would be reasonable cost wise too, but for me it was a bit expensive.  After the gluten free oats, organic peanut butter, organic coconut, and raw honey these turned out to be little snowballs of gold. 🙂  Next time I’ll pick up some Jiff and regular honey to save myself a buck or two.

Here’s my recipe:

Snow Balls (adapted from this recipe on Weelicious)

2 cups gluten free oats, finely ground in a food processor

1 1/4 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup honey

unsweetened coconut

Mix honey and peanut butter.  Add oatmeal mixture a little at a time until desired consistency is reached.  Mixture should be dry enough to roll into balls and sticky enough to hold the coconut.  Roll balls in shredded coconut and enjoy!

I’m linking up and joining with Bigger Picture Blogs today for T’was the Write Before Christmas.  Go check it out!



  • Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life

    These look great! Of course I would sub peanut butter for almond butter 🙂 I make something like this with chocolate for Christmas, they are chocolate balls and you can roll them in coconut, nuts, cocoa powder, or graham crackers… yummy!! Yours are little balls of gold but look awesome!!

  • Jenny

    I love snow too. I do NOT love skiing, but I love snow. I always want to stay out and play in it, when everyone else wants to go in and get warm. I never understand why they would want to go inside! We’re leaving for Canada tomorrow, there’s no snow in the forecast, but I can hope!!

  • Sarah @ This Heavenly Life

    YUM. I have a recipe very similar to this, but mine calls for crushed cereal — whatever’s leftover in the bottom of the bag when we’re all ready for something new 🙂 so it’s pretty economical. Either way, these are *delicious* and I love that you took this prompt for a recipe *plus* some sweet memories and thoughts.

    So glad you linked up today!

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