• 01mrm,  Gluten Free,  Lucas,  Recipes

    Oatmeal a la Lucas

    My son loves blueberries.  Like LOVES them.  I can remember slicing them in quarters when he was just 10 months old, and watching him gobble them up as fast as they landed on his high chair tray.  We put them in everything now – yogurt, pancakes, muffins, smoothies, oatmeal. …

  • 01mrm,  Motherhood,  travel,  writing

    Clarity at 5am

    I’m sitting on the floor of our walk in closet at the El Cordova Hotel on Coronado Island.  It’s 5:47am and I can hear the rain pounding on the roof.  Ryan is sleeping on the other side of the door, and the boys in the next room.  I’m waiting…

  • 01mrm,  Photography

    The Dream Camera is HERE!

    I am beyond blessed to have such a wonderful husband and family who support my passion for photography!  About two weeks ag0 Ryan brought home this totally AWESOME camera for me and I have hardly taken my hands off of it since.  The best part of this new camera…

  • 01mrm,  Just Me

    Simple yet powerful, my word for 2012.

    My word for 2012 is emerge. (hello 2012! how is it MARCH already?!) I am going to emerge from the foggy brain cloud that has been sticking to my every thought and emotion for the last who knows how long.  I will emerge full of creativity, to become the…

  • 01mrm,  Just Me,  photos,  project be

    thank you, 2011

    I’d like to say Thank You to 2011.  Thank you for all the lessons I’ve learned, the new experiences I’ve gained, the friendships I’ve developed, and for the wealth of love that I have been able to give to and receive from my family.  It has been a special…